Floribunda Materials List

We will provide easels, flower arrangements, and small tables for each student. You must bring:

  • Drawing materials:

    • Approximately 30 sheets copy paper

    • Approximately 15 sheets of 90-100lb drawing paper, 16” x 20”, 17” x 22” or 22” x 34” size

    • Charcoal (vine or willow and chunky compressed charcoal, recommended)

    • An eraser (white polymer or kneaded recommended)

    • Soft graphite pencils (3B - 9B would be suitable)

    • White and black chalk or soft pastels

  • Painting materials:

    • 9 surfaces (the same size/shape) to paint on – You may choose canvas, canvas boards, wood panels, heavy paper (such as Arches oil paper or 140lb watercolor paper), or other durable surfaces you like to work on.

    • Generous quantities of either oils or acrylics and the mediums they need (e.g., odor-free solvent and linseed stand oil for oils and retarder, gel medium, liquid matte or glossy medium, or pouring medium for acrylics). Recommended colors:

      • Cadmium lemon yellow, Cadmium yellow light, or Hansa yellow

      • Indian yellow

      • Cadmium yellow (medium)

      • Ultramarine blue or Cobalt blue

      • Phthalo blue (green shade)

      • Cerulean blue (optional)

      • Cadmium Red or Quinacridone Red

      • Quinacridone Rose (deep) (This color is very helpful with florals, but Emily recommends professional/artist grade and not student or studio grade)

      • Alizarin Crimson

      • Magenta (Quinacridone Magenta)

      • Titanium White (Emily recommends approximately 4-5 ounces of white)

Emily has provided a list of the colors and brands of both oils and acrylics that she uses. You DO NOT NEED to get the same products that she uses. But we wanted you to see her list in case it helps you make your selections. Download the PDF here.

  • Lots of different sized brushes and mark-making tools (we recommend that you have at least one extra large round brush, a rigger (long thin) brush, and long flat and round brushes of different sizes and textures)

  • Large palette (palette paper is fine) and plenty of plastic tubs to mix paint in  

  • Optional: A few oil bars/paint sticks (such as R&F Pigment Sticks) in colors that you are drawn to (NOTE: a Titanium/zinc White pigment stick is very helpful, if you can only invest in one)

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Lots of cotton rags and shop towels

    • A glue stick

    • Masking tape or Artist tape (low-tack)

    • Scissors 


We will provide easels and small tables for each student. You must bring:

  • Drawing materials:

    • Plenty of 90-100lb drawing paper, any size (but you may want to bring at least a few larger sheets — 16” x 20”, 17” x 22” or 22” x 34” size)

    • Approximately 30 sheets of copy paper or 100gsm paper

    • Charcoal (vine or willow and chunky compressed charcoal, recommended)

    • Black Indian Ink and a soft brush

    • An eraser (white polymer or kneaded recommended)

    • Soft pencils (3B - 9B would be suitable)

    • Felt tip pens/markers

    • White and black chalk or soft pastels

  • Painting materials:

    • Lots of surfaces to work on, any size or type that you prefer

    • Generous quantities of either oils or acrylics and the mediums they need (e.g., odor-free solvent and linseed stand oil for oils and retarder, gel medium, liquid matte or glossy medium, or pouring medium for acrylics)
      If you are interested in seeing the colors and brands/grades of paints that Emily uses, download the PDF here. You DO NOT need to purchase the same supplies. We are offering this for your information if you are looking for guidance only.

    • Mixed media materials, if you choose

    • Lots of different sized brushes and mark-making tools

    • Large palette (palette paper is fine) and plenty of plastic tubs to mix paint in  

    • Optional: A few oil bars/paint sticks (such as R&F Pigment Sticks) in colors that you are drawn to (Titanium/zinc white is a particularly useful one to have, if you only invest in one pigment stick)

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Lots of cotton rags and shop towels

    • A glue stick

    • Masking tape or Artist tape (low-tack)

    • Scissors